Spoons is a Renegade.
Fiction[edit | edit source]
Challenge of the GoBots cartoon[edit | edit source]
- Voice actor: None
Spoons was a guard on the Renegades' base on the Moon of Shadows where captive Guardians were being held while GoBotron was infiltrated by Cy-Kill's robotic doubles. However, he and Fitor were unable to prevent the real Guardians escaping and foiling Cy-Kill's plans.Doppelganger
Fun Publications[edit | edit source]
Renegade Rhetoric[edit | edit source]

From Axiom Nexus, Cy-Kill bragged about the variety of GoBotic alternate modes, compared to those normally seen, and repeated, among Cybertronians. Spoons and his forklift mode were among his examples. Renegade Rhetoric 2015/10/14 When Cy-Kill ran for President of the United States, Spoons and Block Head "got out the vote" for the working class neighborhoods in Pittsburgh. Cy-Kill For President The Renegades stole an experimental variation of the Astro-Beam from UNECOM called the Duplicator Beam. Instead of causing matter to change quantum superpositions, it allowed matter to exist simultaneously in two quantum superpositions at once for 48 hours, effectively creating temporary duplicates. Cy-Kill created duplicates of Spoons and his command team aboard Thruster, but neglected to realize the duplicate Cy-Kill would want to survive past his time limit. "Cy-Kill Prime" and the other duplicates turned on Cy-Kill and tried to force Professor Von Joy to redirect the quantum effect to the other group of Renegades. Spoons and the others were freed by the Guardians, and the duplicates were defeated and dematerialized. Mirror Menace
Seeking a combiner of his own to counter Courageous, Cy-Kill brought Spoons and the Renegades to Quartex. He approached Jaw Bone, the Fossil Lord, to form an alliance and gain the power of the united Fossilsaurus. When persuasion didn't work, he had Spoons grab the Fossil Lord's daughter Ulna as a hostage. The Renegades brought Fossilsaurs to Earth to attack UNECOM and battle Courageous, but the Guardians snuck aboard Thruster and bested Spoons, freeing Ulna and turning the Fossil Lords against Cy-Kill. Fossil Fallout Spoons was one of the Renegades Cy-Kill brought to Mount Hotaka to learn ninjitsu from the Ashi Dojo. He proved highly effective for a time, but when Leader-1 learned ninjitsu as well, the Renegades were outmatched again. A mishap with the positronic jammer also wiped all the ninja knowledge from the GoBots' minds by the end of the conflict. Cy-Kill's Ninjas During Cy-Kill's extended absence from Level 1, the Guardians launched an all-out assault on Roguestar. Spoons and Stretch were pinned down by enemy fire when Cy-Kill triumphantly returned with a new combiner and new troops to augment his forces. Clutch and Warpath got the veteran Renegades out of harm's way as the tide turned. Opportunity Knocks Part 2
"Echoes and Fragments"[edit | edit source]
In a hybrid universe where the Transformers and GoBots coexisted, Crain Brain, Screw Head and Spoons used their vehicle modes to breach the walls of Autobot City, singing as they went. Kup and Hot Rod used the Renegades as impromptu ramps to launch themselves into the closing city. Hot Rod skipped over Spoons and knocked Crain Brain off the bridge before Kup came barreling through, crushing Spoons's head and tossing Screw Head aside as well.
On the way back to Cybertron, Zero pushed Megatron and several other dying combatants out of Astrotrain. They found Unicron, and after Megatron bargained for his life he and his troops became new servants of Unicron. Spoons was reborn as Deadlift, the tracker, while Screw Head and Crain Brain became his huntsmen, Sweeps. Echoes and Fragments
Go-Bots comic[edit | edit source]
A cantankerous worker at the Tonka factory, Spoons - along with his technician - remained in the building when the Go-Bot revolution began. When A.J. Foster, Matt Hunter, Scooter, and Turbo arrived, thinking the issue to be a G-chip malfunction, the technician informed the quartet that what they were witnessing was simple evolution before Spoons drove him away. Go-Bots #2
Toys[edit | edit source]
GoBots[edit | edit source]
GoBots[edit | edit source]
- Spoons (GoBots, 1984)
- Enemy Robot Forklift
- ID number: 31
- Accessories: none
- Spoons was released by Tonka in the second series of GoBots, and converts from robot to Komatsu FD-50 forklift in 6 steps. The toy was a recolour of Forklift Robo from Machine Robo, with the diecast parts were painted cream instead of orange - one of the first GoBots figures to feature a fresh colour scheme. His forks can lift in vehicle mode, though the diecast forks themselves have a habit of becoming loose, while the plastic seat for the forklift can pop out and get lost. Spoons also has articulation in the shoulders in robot mode.
- Spoons was first released in the initial GoBots assortment of eight new figures that kicked off the second series (#7203). When the assortments were reorganised later in 1984 he became part of the Enemy assortment (#7254), staying there when it was renamed the Renegade assortment for the third and final series; for the latter, Spoons came with a 3-D GoBots Sticker.
- Bilingual Canadian releases used the alternative name Déchargeur.
Gift Packs[edit | edit source]
- Renegade Gift Pack #1 (Gift Pack, 1984)
- Enemy Robot Forklift
- Accessories: none
- An unchanged Spoons was included one of Tonka's Renegade Gift Pack #1 sets, with similarly unchanged versions of Stallion and Tux.
Autocon[edit | edit source]
Robo Machine[edit | edit source]
Robo Machines[edit | edit source]
- Spoons (Robo Machine, 1986)
- Enemy Robot Fork Lift
- ID number: RM-63
- Accessories: none
- Spoons was a late release in the Robo Machine line. This might have been repackaged GoBots overstock.
Notes[edit | edit source]
- In his sole appearance in Challenge of the GoBots Spoons had no dialogue, and did not transform.
- A white-and-green recolour of Spoons/Forklift Robo may have been pitched as a possible recolour for the third series of GoBots.
- An all-orange version of Spoons was one of several figures prominently bootlegged around GoBots' heyday; this can be easily spotted as it uses "12" and "C-12" decals instead of "34".
- Spoons's Cybertronian-style body in the "Cataclysm universe" is modeled on Revenge of the Fallen Dirt Boss with the head design of Generation 1 Hook, modified with a faceplate.