Stun Stone

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Stun Stone is a Shock Rock from Quartex who fights for the Good Rock Lords.

He presumably stuns people with his Hypercolor exterior.

Toys[edit | edit source]


Rock Lords[edit | edit source]

  • Stun Stone (Shock Rocks, 1987)
    • Good Shock Rock
    • Accessories: none
Stun Stone was released in the second series of the Rock Lords Shock Rocks figures by Tonka and converts from robot-thing to rock. His conversion was automatic - pressing a button on the underside of rock caused the head, arms and weapon to pop out, though they had to be manually folded away. The figure was designed by Bandai on behalf of Tonka. As such, the figure was never released in Japan.

Robo Machine[edit | edit source]

  • Stun Stone (Action Shock Rocks, 1987)
    • Good Shock Rock
    • Accessories: none
In Europe, Rock Lords was a subline of Robo Machine. Stun Stone was issued by Bandai in 1987, featuring a browner, less eye-searingly awesome colour scheme than the American release.

It's unknown what type of rock Stun Stone is, but due to his red colouring, this version could be Hematite.