Red Wings
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Jump to navigationJump to searchThe Red Wings are one of the three disaster response teams that make up Machine Robo Rescue.
The unit specialises in aerial rescue and firefighting operations.
Machine Robo Teams[edit | edit source]
Fire Team
MR-04L Fire Robo
MR-04S Aider RoboShuttle Team
MR-S01L Shuttle Robo
MR-07S Space RoboTransport
Wing Liner
Crew[edit | edit source]
Taiyoh Ohzora
Jet Robo Robo MasterArias "Ace" Honoh
Fire Robo Robo MasterKai Kitazawa
Wing Liner pilot
Backup Robo MasterLin Haruka
Wing Liner pilot
Backup Robo MasterMusashi Miyajima