North America

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North America is a continent on Earth.

A large part of it is taken up by the United States of America, where loads of things happen. Bordering the USA to the north is Canada, where the same things happen but with additional French translations.

Toys[edit | edit source]

North America was the target market for basically the entire GoBots franchise, as the continent was the location licenced for importing Machine Robo figures by Tonka, after Bandai's own attempt to market them as Machine Men (or in Canada Robot Machine Men) had been a commercial failure. The line in Canada was largely the same as that in the USA, though due to laws respecting the country's large French-speaking population all of the text on the packaging was rendered in both English and French. This was obviously complicated when the success GoBots saw Bandai belatedly add elements from it to their lines in Europe and Australia.

Challenge of the GoBots and its tie-in media were also made for primarily American audiences, which means the vast majority of Earth-based action takes place on the continent.

Notes[edit | edit source]