Telepictures Productions are an American entertainment company founded by David Salzman, Michael Jay Solomon and Michael Garin in 1979, initially to handle syndication of various TV shows and movies; they eventually gained the rights to the post-1974 Rankin-Bass catalogue after purchasing the company in 1983. Their syndication business grew and by the 1980s Telepictures even opened up a publishing arm that created magazines and comics based on their programming. This included GoBots Magazine from 1986 to 1987, as well as titles based on Muppet Babies, G.I. Joe, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and Thundercats. In 1986, they merged with prolific TV series producer Lorimar (owners of Karl-Lorimar Home Video) to form Lorimar-Telepictures; in 1989, L-T was acquired by Warner Brothers, who then proceeded to reconstitute Telepictures as a division devoted to first-run syndicated programming (primarily talk and game shows).
Titles[edit | edit source]
- GoBots Magazine - 5 issues, 1986 to 1987.