Red Guilder

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Red Guilder is part of the Guilder Brothers assault team who work for the Gyandlar, and wields a scythe. Along with his team-mates Black Guilder and Silver Guilder he can combine to form Giant Guilder.

Fiction[edit | edit source]

Machine Robo: Revenge of Cronos cartoon[edit | edit source]

Voice actor: Tomohiro Nishimura

When news reached Gadess that Princess Solitaire Raymosette had escaped death at the hands of his allies in Galba and was travelling to Pamela to expose the plot he dispatched the Guilder Brothers assault team to kill her en route. While her initial escorts were destroyed she was found by Rom, Leina, Blue Jet, Rod Drill and Triple Jim. After Black Guilder was injured by Rom the group retreated. Red Guilder and his brothers were then modified by Diondra and Grujios so they could combine into the huge Giant Guilder. They attacked again, bettering Kenryū and matching Baikanfu. However at this point Solitaire revealed herself to be a robotic duplicate filled with explosives; the real princess had by now reached Pamela. The duplicate sacrificed itself to destroy Giant Guilder just before he finished off Baikanfu. Sending Love to the Horizon