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Mammouth is a Guardian and a member of the Dancougar combiner team.

Fiction[edit | edit source]

Robo Machine catalogues[edit | edit source]


The Renegade Traitor was attacking a human town when he was attacked by a mechanical mammoth. A bystander noted he thought mammoths were extinct; Mammouth noted that ones that could change shape weren't and blasted Traitor with his cannon. He then combined with his team-mates Eagle Fighter, Land Ligar and Black Cougar to form Dancougar. Which was good timing, as the evil Bismarck was lying in the street in front of them. The Renegade transformed before the pair began exchanging blows and insults. Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Toys[edit | edit source]


Robo Machine[edit | edit source]

  • Mammouth (1986)
    • Accessories: gun
Mammouth was released in Europe by Bandai as part of Robo Machine in 1986, and could convert from armoured mammoth robot to tank (which was basically the mammoth with the legs folded town) to robot. The toy was originally released as Big Moth module of the DX version of Dancouga in Chogokin. While Mammouth could combine with Eagle Fighter, Land Ligar and Black Cougar - making up the torso, legs and arms - to form Dancougar the others were only available as part of the Dancougar boxed set, which included Mammouth anyway. The figure has good arm articulation but the knee movement is negated by the direction the joints go.

  • Dancougar (1986)
    • Accessories: gun
Dancougar was released in Europe by Bandai as part of Robo Machine in 1986, and was the combined form of Mammouth, Eagle Fighter, Land Ligar and Black Cougar. The toy was originally released as the DX version of Dancouga in Chogokin. Due to Eagle Fighter, Land Ligar and Black Cougar effectively becoming a head and feet for Mammouth, Dancougar has massive proportion problems but good arm articulation. While Mammouth was available separately as part of Robo Machine, the Dancougar set was the only way to get the other three. The set had a suggested RRP of £38.50 in the UK.
  • In North America, Dancougar was released as part of the Godaikin Forces line.