Himaru Mountain
Himaru Mountain is a sizeable mountain in Japan.
Fiction[edit | edit source]
Machine Robo Rescue cartoon[edit | edit source]
Machine Robo Rescue were alerted when two climbers became stranded on Himaru Mountain, with Red Wings sent to attend. Taiyoh Ohzora and Jet Robo set off to find the pair and soon located one of them; as the man had a broken leg Taiyoh sent him back to base camp with the Leader Robo, remaining to search for the other himself with Bone. However, an avalanche caused the ledge they were walking on collapsed and the pair fell down, largely unharmed and in the same place as the badly injured second climber. Unfortunately they were found by Jay, who had also dispatched Stealth Robo to delay Jet's return. Despite Taiyoh's pleas to think of the wounded man Jay attacked and the fair fought until another avalanche separated them. Jay disappeared while the rest of Red Wings were able to complete the rescue. Clash! Jet vs. Stealth