GoBots Giant Card Game

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The GoBots Giant Card Game is a 1985 game based on the GoBots franchise, produced by the Western Publishing Company under their Golden imprint.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The game is for 2-4 players. Each has to be the first to collect ten pictures of their GoBot, choosing from Leader-1, Royal-T, Cy-Kill or Cop-Tur. The cards are divided into either 2+2 or 3+1 of each character, while "spoiler" Zap cards can be used to stymy an opponent. 40 cards were included, and were 5¾ inches by 3⅜ inches.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The same basic game was produced by Golden for various other franchises they had the licence to, including Rainbow Brite, Defenders of the Earth and Mr. T.

External Links[edit | edit source]