A Message for Matt

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Now you can play at home! Or not.

A Message for Matt was a game printed in the Robo Machine featuring the Challenge of the GoBots Annual 1986.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Being printed in a World Distributors book, the game was very basic, not even including anything to pass as counters. The player takes the role of Matt Hunter, taking a vital message to the Guardians. Rolling a 2, 3, 4 or 6 on a die (not included) allowed the player to move forwards; a 1 or 5 resulted in the player moving backwards. A four-minute time limit was set, though the addition of extra players could add 2 minutes per extra participant.

There were 46 squares to negotiate, several of which had positive or negative consequences if landed on. Most of these were based on stories elsewhere in the book, such as being caught in a time warp ("The Rescue of Road Ranger"), chased by Magma Worms ("The Rumbling Jungle"), being caught in the Renegades' Astrobeam ("By Astrobeam to GoBotron") and being menaced by killer waxworks ("Meltdown in the Museum").

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The art in the bottom-right corner was produced by Mario Capaldi for an early promotional image for The Robo Machines comic serial, itself based on early concept art for Harrier Robo.
  • Yes, A Message from Matt would have worked better.