Giant Guilder

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Giant Guilder the huge combined form of the Guilder Brothers assault team of Black Guilder, Red Guilder and Silver Guilder, created by the Gyandlar Diondra and Grujios. In addition to his size and strength he can also call on boosted versions of the Brothers' individual powers - bladed boomerangs, a huge scythe and an extending tail.

Fiction[edit | edit source]

Machine Robo: Revenge of Cronos cartoon[edit | edit source]

Voice actor: Issei Futamata

After the Guilder Brothers failed to stop Rom Stol and his friends when they were escorting Princess Solitaire Raymosette to Pamela in order to expose Gadess' machinations, Diondra and Grujios modified the brothers so they could combine into the huge Giant Guilder. They attacked again, bettering Kenryū and matching Baikanfu. However at this point Solitaire revealed herself to be a robotic duplicate filled with explosives; the real princess had by now reached Pamela. The duplicate sacrificed itself to destroy Giant Guilder just before he finished off Baikanfu. Sending Love to the Horizon